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  • About GMS
  • School Feeding Programme
School Feeding Programme

Our feeding philosophy is to maintain a quality feeding programme that beyond the size of the children’s meal. We consider healthy meals as the right medicine for children, including adults. Going by the popular saying; “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” – Ayurvedic Proverb. This philosophy starts by approaching food from the point of view of restriction to introduction of an abundance of the right foods whereby honours real food and a healthy diet as a vital contribution towards sustaining of good health amongst the children.

We have planned an average child’s suggestive meal requirement for the 5 days of the week to support healthy feeding in school and at home from breakfast through brunch, lunch, fruit meals and dinner. These feeding programme considers a lot of water intake for all the children, clean protein for positive body building, healthy fats and in right proportions, vitamins and minerals that are supportive of growth and good health maintenance, while not forgetting fruits and vegetables.

On a daily basis, the feeding provided by Granny Murray for the children includes brunch, lunch and fruits, while parents are encouraged to pack other healthy snacks for their child to school everyday. We ensure low salt and sugar in our meals as much as possible while also discouraging unhealthy snacks. It is our belief that with the right hanshake of home and school feeding, Granny Murray together with the parents will be able to raise healthy children who are joy to feed, children that will learn to eat new and healthy food, children that will grow up to get the right body, and in the long run, help families to become healthy eaters.

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