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  • Admission
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  • Why GMS
Why Choose Granny Murray Schools(GMS)

At GMS, a quasi-home school setting, we believe that one size does not fit all but one size fit one, and a good school knows your child by name, but a great school knows your child by heart. At GMS we have one primary and singular duty; WE FOCUS ON YOUR CHILD

Our teachers pay close attention to the social, emotional and academic needs of each individual child. Our pupils and students alike experience more than a typical private school education, but a quasi-home learning experience as they are being mentored by constantly trained by world-class teachers and guided by skilled servant leaders that are constantly taught to think most critically about most important things in life and are encourage to tackle the toughest issues of the day

GMS is not just a school, but a community, a place of belonging, where every child is seen a uniquely created and divinely gifted to accomplish the extra-ordinary

Join us in the raising of next generation of Nigeria, Africa and World leaders.

We look forward to meeting with you and your family soon!

Contact Us today

Phone: +234 (0)9 291 6467

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